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International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) is a peer reviewed and open access journal publishing innovative and high-quality articles covering topics in Arts and Humanities studies. The journal welcomes the paper submission of inventive and considerable contributions. Papers submitted which is previously published or currently under consideration for publication anyplace else will be denied for publication in IJHI. Papers must be written in English and should strictly follow the guide for authors due to pass the admin processing. The editorial team's high-quality publications in recognized journals contributes to the high-quality of papers published in IJHI.
Focus and Scope:
IJHI aims to publish original research and perspectives that study and develop arts and humanities concepts, theories, and practices. Its international reach is reflected in the fact that it encourages contributions from academics, researchers, graduate students, and policymakers. All articles should be written in the English language. The scope of IJHI includes but is not limited to the areas follows:
1). Arts and Humanities: History and Philosophy of Science, Religious Studies.
2). Language and Linguistics: Communication and Media.
3). Social Sciences.
Peer Review Process: The International Journal of Innovation and Humanities (IJHI) is dedicated to maintaining peer-review integrity and maintaining high review standards. Your manuscript will be single-blind peer evaluated by independent, anonymous expert referees after the editor has verified its suitability. Review Guidelines for the IJHI are as follows:
Step 1: Editorial Assessment. Beginning with the submission of your paper to a journal, there are several stages to peer review. The journal editor will assess if it is appropriate for the journal at this stage, asking questions like:
The editor may right away reject the manuscript, but if not, it will proceed to the next stage, peer review.
Step 2: Peer review (first round). The editor will find and contact possible referees, as well as other researchers and professors in your field. They will be invited to read your paper and advise the editor on whether or not it should be published in that publication.
Step 3: Revise your work and resubmit it. You can then revise your article considering the reviewers' suggestions and resubmit it with any or all of the modifications. If the editor believes your edits are insufficient, you may be asked to make additional revisions, or the manuscript may be rejected.
Open Access Policy: International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) provides immediate open access to all of its content on the idea that making research freely available to the public promotes greater global knowledge exchange. IJHI provides all authors of journal articles with the opportunity to make their work freely available, without time constraints. All Open Access articles will be immediately and indefinitely available for reading and downloading to anybody. Authors maintain ownership of their piece under the CC-BY-NC license, but grant others permission to use the material of IJHI publications in whole or in part, as long as the original work is correctly cited. IJHI users or redistributors are expected to cite the original source, including the author's names, IJHI as the originating source of publishing, the year of publication, volume, and number.
International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI)
ISSN: 2614-6169 (online)
Organized by the Department of Business English Communication - Universitas Negeri Makassar and Center for Humanities and Innovation Studies.
Website: humanistudies.com/ijhi
E-mail: andiantopatak@unm.ac.id
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY_NC 4.0) license.